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September 2019 Minutes

By November 4, 202040 Comments


September 9 2019




Call to Order

Trustee Rausch, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on September 9, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Rausch began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Jack Rausch                            Township Trustee Chairman

Don McCreary                        Township Trustee

Ron Chapman                        Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Steve Brose                            Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Ken Reiff                                Zoning

Drew See                                Zoning

Torri Huebner                       Auditor of State



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of August 5, 2019, said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.


The Fiscal Officer provided an update on the grant. The grant is being sent out for quotes this winter. The plan is to begin in April of 2020 and to be completed by July 2020.


The Fiscal Officer presented a quote from Silver Threads to add window blinds to the zoning office, clerk office, fiscal officer office and trustees for a total cost of $1500.00.  Trustee Rausch made the motion to approve the quote of $1500.0 and Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.


Resolution 2019.5

Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.  There was a motion by Trustee Rausch to accept the Schedule a summary, seconded by Trustee Chapman, all were in favor, the resolution passed.



Torri Huebner of the Auditor of State attended the meeting to introduce herself as the liaison for the Auditor of State to assist the township with any questions or concerns we may have.







Mr. Streng was not in attendance but reported the following:


Mr. Streng is working with John Rausch property 23170 Northwest Parkway zoned M2 to remove an old deteriorated barn and construct a new 50X60 accessory building to house equipment for his asphalt sealing business.  His plan is to obtain a variance to construct his building on land zoned for heavy manufacturing and will need approval from the BZA, the hearing is scheduled for September 23.


See attached report for detail.



No updates.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted the play ground mulch is complete and has been checking for bee activity in preparation for community day.  There was a ground hog digging under the park bridge. A trap will be set.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson provided an update on projects. Finished Buck Allen ditch erosion. Rented a chipper and removed nuisance cotton wood trees in Hunter Run.  A home owner did not one removed and the trustees would like to see the tree and make a decision on whether or not to remove. Spot bermed bad areas on Darby Pottersburg Rd.


Nick Johnson stated calls have been made for parking lot asphalt estimates.


Nick Johnson noted the fixtures would all need replaced for doors within the community building. The trustees have requested a quote.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson presented a quote for Robert Scheiderer to apply the fall fertilizer for $1250.00 and the weed control application for $675.00. Trustee Chapman made the motion to approve the fall fertilizer for $1250.00 and weed control for $675.00 and Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson presented a quote for WoodWorx for the staining and sealing of the gazebo. The two options were, $1780 for same color and $1940.00 for a new color. Trustee Rausch made the motion to approve the $1780 same color option and Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.


Quotes were also discussed for the replacement of the park picnic tables with a new recycled commercial plastic tables. There are 4 wooden tables rotted, the round concrete tables were removed in 2016 and the wooden picnic tables in the gazebo are in poor condition. The total to replace all is $15,164.00. After a detailed discussion it was decided to wait and plan for the 2020 budget, and to also check to see if there are any park grants available.




Chief, Steve Brose reported the fire department parking lot was sealed.

Chief, Steve Brose noted the septic sample was taken and will have the results mid week.

Chief, Steve Brose spoke with Chapman Ford and they are checking with the Ford rep on new pickup date.

Chief, Steve Brose noted a rack system for backup fire hose’s was purchased.


See the attached report for additional detail.




There being no further business, Trustee Chapman moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Rausch offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.




Jack Rausch (Chairman)



Don McCreary



Ron Chapman


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