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October 2019 Minutes

By November 4, 20206 Comments


October 7, 2019




Call to Order

Trustee Rausch, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on October 7, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Rausch began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Jack Rausch                            Township Trustee Chairman

Don McCreary                        Township Trustee

Ron Chapman                        Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Steve Brose                            Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Bill Streng                              Zoning

Ken Reiff                                Zoning

Drew See                                Zoning

Dain Bruns                             Zoning

Brad Bodenmiller                  LUC / Zoning Rt. 33 Project



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of September 9, 2019, said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.


Fiscal Officer noted a reminder that Trunk or Treat is on October 24th, 2019.


Fiscal Officer requested permission to get a quote for new office furniture for the office of the clerk and fiscal officer.  The trustees agreed to get an estimate of costs to replace the furniture.


Trustee Chapman discussed the Additional Motor Vehicle Tax – Pursuant to ORC §4504.18, a township may levy an annual $5 motor vehicle license plate tax for the purposes of paying the costs of construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance and repair of township roads, bridges, cost and maintenance of traffic control devices, purchase and maintenance of township road equipment and the construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance and repair of township road buildings.


The trustees would like to enact a resolution to add additional motor vehicle tax in accordance with Ohio rule 4504.18.





Trustee Chapman motioned to move forward with the process to adopt the resolution and

Trustee McCreary 2nd the motion.


Prior to the adoption of any resolution under this section, the board of township trustees shall conduct two public hearings thereon, the second hearing to be not less than three nor more than ten days after the first. Notice of the date, time, and place of such hearings shall be given by publication in a newspaper

of general circulation in the township or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks, the second publication being not less than ten nor more than thirty days prior to the first hearing.


Trustee Rausch noted the zoning commission pay and mileage needs to be looked over to be sure in line, and details on who controls the number of meetings,



Brad Bodenmiller from LUC attended the meeting to review the Route 33 innovation project. The township property owners have the option to follow existing underlying zoning or use the overlay standards. Townships cannot force a property owner to initiate a planned development overlay. The changes for townships were determined that townships cannot impose architectural and landscaping standards on non-residential properties. The only zoning change required is for townships to adopt a version of the text and overlay boundary through a zoning text and zoning map amendment.  See attached for further details.  It was noted by trustees that Allen Township does not have water/sewage to support the growth of commercial sites.


Ken Reiff attended a meeting that discussed future growth.  Between Marysville and Dublin is expected 115% growth in the next 10 years.  Logan County to Dublin growth of 9%. Honda is building a new warehouse that will increase truck traffic.  Growth is more NE or South of Marysville not in our direction.



Mr. Streng let everyone know he would be out for approximately 3 months for medical.


Mr. Streng has been working with John Rausch at 23170 Northwest Parkway in regards to his plan to remove an old barn and construct a new 50X60 accessory building to house equipment for his asphalt sealing business.   He received approval from BZA hearing for approval on September 23rd for a variance to construct his building zoned for heavy manufacturing.


Mr. Streng received a complaint from Robbie Johnson, on behalf of Gerald Johnson, 20993 Collins Rd. regarding junk equipment on Ron Burn’s property across the road.  There was a discussion on Burn’s property and if it is commercial business.  Mr. Streng will contact Thayne Gray to discuss further.


Mr. Streng discussed Roshon property on 21967 Northwest Parkway in regards to 4 unlicensed vehicles.  He spoke with the owner and was told the vehicles would be removed within 30 days.


Mr. Streng distributed a letter received from an attorney in regards to Michael and Joyce George, 23000 St. Rt. 245 for a nuisance and zoning complaint. Mr. Streng will also address this with Thayne Gray.


Received notice from Gary Bowman, zoning board of appeals requesting to not reinstate his term at the end of this calendar year. He has requested to not be reappointed to another term.


See the attached report for additional detail.








2019.6 Resolution

To accept the request from Gary Bowman to not reappoint to a new term on Zoning Board of Appeals at the end of his term.

Trustee Rausch motioned to accept the resignation of Gary Bowman for Zoning Board of Appeals and Trustee McCreary seconded. Upon roll call: Chapman, yea; McCreary, yea; Rausch, yea


No updates.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted he had not received asphalt quotes.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson will be speaking with an individual in Indiana in regards to the up keep on the cabin and his recommendations.


Nick Johnson provided an estimate of $22,260.00 from Best Door and Windows for the community building frames and windows. Trustee Rausch requested Nick to get warranty information and an official quote.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson received a quote from Golden Bear for new handles and locks for $1090.00. Trustee Chapman made the motion to approve a quote of $1090.00 and Trustee Rausch seconded the approval.


Nick Johnson presented a quote from Delmar Tree for $785.00 to remove a dead tree.  Trustee McCreary made the motion to approve the quote of $785.00 and Trustee Chapman seconded the approval.


Nick Johnson requested to use the OTARMA Grant for Kleen Inc. for 2 folding signs for safety when doing road work.  The cost of the signs is $488.11 and the grant will be applied for reimbursement. Trustee Rausch made the motion to approve $488.11 and Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.




Chief, Steve Brose reported there is a plan underway for septic system.  He picked up two water meters from Marysville City Water Department on loan for six months.  The Fire Department water meter was installed. The well water was tested by Union County Health Department all within normal limits.


Chief, Steve Brose noted the station truck quote for accessories.  The total for the accessories are approximately $8000.00 and Trustee Chapman made the motion to approve the purchase of the accessories for $8000.00 and Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.


Chief, Steve Brose reported there will be a pancake breakfast on October 12th at 8 AM.


See the attached report for additional detail.










There being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Chapman offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.





Jack Rausch (Chairman)



Don McCreary



Ron Chapman


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