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November 2019 Minutes

By November 4, 20207 Comments


November 4, 2019


Call to Order

Trustee Rausch, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on November 4, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Rausch began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Jack Rausch                            Township Trustee Chairman

Don McCreary                        Township Trustee

Ron Chapman                        Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Steve Brose                            Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Ken Reiff                                Zoning

Drew See                                Zoning

Dain Bruns                             Zoning

Thayne Gray                          Union County Prosecutor

Kelly Nawma                         Union County Sheriff

Jordan Shoemaker                Union County Sheriff

Jody King                                Resident



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of October 7, 2019, said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.


Fiscal Officer, Lori LaCella presented a request from Girl Scout Troop 2053 to hold troop meetings on the first and third Monday of each month, September through May free of charge.  The trustees made the motion to allow the troop to hold their meetings if there is availability, otherwise, the fire department or park will be an option. Trustee McCreary made the motion to approve and Trustee Rausch seconded the approval.



Thayne Gray, Union County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney reviewed options for bond vs insurance.

The township needs to review the cost benefit and the ease of switching. There will need to be a resolution to make a change and can be switched at term renewal.


Thayne Gray also discussed the additional township License Tax.  The first date that the tax could become effective is January 1, 2021.  The township must file a resolution adopting the tax by July 1, 2020.  The trustees must publish a notice for, and hold two public hearings.  Option to exempt trailers under 1000 pounds will need to be decided.



Mr. Streng is out on medical leave.


Mr. Streng distributed a letter dated October 3, 2019, received from an attorney in regards to Michael and Joyce George, 23000 St. Rt. 245 for a nuisance and zoning complaint. Mr. Streng addressed this with Thayne Gray. At the suggestion of Thayne Gray, he contacted the neighbor regarding traffic flow and whether they felt a flea market was being run from the property.  The neighbor feels the traffic is from the horse boarding business operated at their farm.  A letter was sent to Mr. George to inform them of the complaint.


Green signs have filed a variance to change signage at the Honda Credit Union at SR 739.  The BZA hearing for this request is scheduled for November 11th.


LUC will be conducting Ag exemption training on November 13 for zoning inspectors.  Each inspector may invite one trustee.


Trustee Rausch made the motion to nominate alternate zoning board appeal, Dain Bruns, effective January 1, 2020, for the zoning board appeals, Trustee McCreary seconded the motion.  Dain Bruns accepted the nomination.


See the attached report for additional detail.



Sheriff Kelly Nawma attended to introduce new officer Jordan Shoemaker.  There are no new updates or concerns.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson received a call that mattresses were left on the side of Poling Rd. and they were taken to the landfill.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted an 86″ pipe on Holycross Epps is starting to fail, rusted at the bottom, and may need to be replaced at a large expense.  Nick has asked the engineer for options and recommendations.


Nick Johnson will be getting a quote from Rossetti Windows for new windows.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson received a quote from Chemco for the fire department and community building lot for asphalt for $58,000


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson discussed the hiring of a full time road maintained employee with full benefits in the year 2020 at $14.00. The trustees advice Nick to review the budget for 2020 and if there is a need for full time work.  Trustee Rausch made the motion to hire a part time seasonal maintenance worker, Trustee McCreary seconded.




Chief, Steve Brose reported he left a message at the health department in regards to options for the septic.




Chief, Steve Brose noted a quote for the rear door from Best Windows for $931 and Host Commercial for $924.  Trustee Chapman made the motion to approve the purchase of the door and Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.


Chief, Steve Brose reported on EMS collections through the Ohio Attorney General.  There is currently $23,498 in nonresident outstanding bills.  There is no charge for the service and collections would be direct deposit.


Chief, Steve Brose provided a list of items for sale on There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary declaring the items in excess and approved to sell.


Chief, Steve Brose reviewed his budget and noted the fire department will need a levy in the upcoming future.


See the attached report for additional detail.






Trustee Rausch motioned to move into executive session to discuss employee matters and seconded by Trustee Chapman.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, Trustee Rausch called the executive session to order.


Trustee Rausch moved that the executive session is adjourned, seconded by Trustee McCreary and upon roll call vote, all being in favor of the motion carried.


Trustee Rausch called the regular meeting back to order.


After returning to regular session, the trustee’s adviced Road Superintend, Nick Johnson to send a letter to the former employee, Clinton Dalton, to inform him that his position is terminated when he did not return to work.


The Trustees requested a special meeting to be scheduled on November 18th for a discussion with Tom Paplaczyk to review 2020 insurance.


There being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Chapman offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.



Jack Rausch (Chairman)



Don McCreary



Ron Chapman


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