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January 2019 Minutes

By November 4, 202035 Comments


January 7, 2019



Call to Order

Trustee Chapman, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on January 7, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Chapman began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Ron Chapman                        Township Trustee Chairman

Don McCreary                        Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Rod Goddard                         Fire Chief

Steve Brose                            Asst. Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Bill Streng                              Zoning Inspector

Deputy Chad Lee                   Sheriff’s Office

Dain Bruns                             Zoning Alternate

Rodney Drumm                     Resident

Andrew Drumm                    Resident



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of the December 3, 2018, and December 20 special meeting minutes.  Said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.


The Fiscal Officer presented the Pitney Bowes Meter options for renewing the contract. After discussing the cost, Trustee Chapman made the motion to cancel the contract which was seconded by Trustee Rausch.


The Fiscal Officer presented a proposal from Gordan Flesch for the purchase or lease of a new copier. The current copier is 10 years old with a trade in value of $25.00. The age of the current copier could be difficult to purchase parts for any repairs in the future.  After further discussion, and discussing the options, Trustee Chapman made the motion to purchase a new copier at $5550.00 which Trustee Rausch seconded.  The old copier will be serviced before cancelling the contract, then moved to the fire department.


Resolution 2019.1

This being the first meeting of the year, there was a motion by Trustee McCreary that Trustee Rausch is nominated as Chairman for the year 2019, which nomination received a second from Trustee Chapman.  Upon roll call: Chapman, yea; McCreary, yea; Rausch, yea; Trustee Rausch was confirmed as Chairman.



Resolution 2019.2

There was a motion by Trustee Chapman that Trustee McCreary is named Vice-Chairman for the year 2019, which nomination received a second from Trustee Rausch. Upon roll call: Chapman, yea; McCreary, yea; Rausch, yea; Trustee Chapman was confirmed as Chairman.



The trustees advised that the Township has an approved Record Retention schedule, it will be followed as outlined for the destruction of records and a meeting was not necessary to carry out the schedule.



Mr. Rodney Drumm attended the meeting to inquire how to go about having is property combined that is currently divided.   Mr. Drumm was advised to speak with the Union County Engineer.



Bill Streng, Zoning Inspector distributed and reviewed his monthly report.

Mr. Streng noted the property on 22531 North Darby Coe Rd with the building that was constructed outside township setback requirements mother obtained a certificate to move to her property when the ground has frozen.


Mr. Streng noted several residents have contacted him to install radio/tv towers on their properties.  One is in Hunters Run, 75′ HAM radio, another for a 100′ T.V antenna.


See attached report for details.



Deputy Chad Lee provided an update on the CSX situation.  The complaints are being monitored and compiled.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson provided an update on the cabin repairs. One side is complete, and the rest will be done once the ground is frozen.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson, noted several projects on ditch work are being completed.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson said several trees have been down from the wind storms and the township will need some tree work in the near future.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson shared the Union County Health Department Septic inspection report. He has contacted Jim Cougar but has not had a return call as of yet.


See the attached report for additional detail.



Asst. Chief, Steve Brose noted he attended a meeting with Liberty Township as part of a work group in planning and evaluating the spending vs. income and levy millage in each township.


Asst. Chief, Steve Brose stated the striping is being removed from the station car and will be ready to sell on  Asst. Chief Brose said another fire department may also be interested.








Asst. Chief, Steve Brose is working on the full time open position and the hiring and the transfer of work experience credit.  Trustee Chapman requested Asst. Chief Brose to follow up legally what can be done for previous hired experienced employees.


Asst. Chief, Steve Brose announced the new contact is ready to sign with the hospital.


Fire Chief Rod Goddard announced his confirmed date of retirement as 1/31/2019.  He expressed his concerns with the Fire and Police retirement insurance plans and his options upon retirement.


Asst. Chief, Steve Brose noted Chief Goddard did not want a retirement party, but a dinner with the department.  Asst. Chief, Steve Brose will look into a having dinner catered and work with Fiscal Officer for award plaque.


See the attached report for additional detail.



Save the Date, Union County Engineer’s Annual Township Meeting, Saturday, February 23, 2019, at 8:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.  At the Union County Services Center.


There being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Chapman offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all being in favor, the meeting was adjourned.



Jack Rausch (Chairman)




Don McCreary




Ron Chapman


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