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June 25, 2020 Special Meeting

By November 4, 20201,644 Comments


June 25, 2020

Special Meeting


Allen Township Board of Trustees met in a Special Meeting to discuss appointment of a new trustee.


Call to Order

Trustee McCreary, as Chairman called the special meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on June 25, 2020, at 11:00 a.m.


Roll Call:          Don McCreary                        Township Trustee Chairman

Jack Rausch                            Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Thayne Gray                          Union County Prosecutor



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of June 22, 2020 hearing, said minutes were approved as read.



The Allen Township Trustees discussed the appointment of a new trustee after the passing of Trustee Ron Chapman. The trustees received numerous resumes from individuals interested in fulfilling the term of Trustee Chapman. The next general election for municipal and township officers is November 2021. No municipal or township officials will be on the November 2020 ballot. The vacancy has occurred more than 40 days before the November 2021 election. Ron’s term would have expired within one year of the November 2021 election.

The appointment to fill the vacancy resulting from Ron’s death will be for the balance unexpired term.


The motion was made by Trustee Don McCreary to enact Resolution #2020-10 as follows:




WHEREAS, §4504.18 of the Ohio Revised Code authorizes the Board of Township Trustees to levy an annual license tax for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of enforcing and administering the tax provided for in §4504.18; for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, and repair of Township roads, bridges, and culverts for purchasing, erecting, and maintaining traffic signs, markers, lights and signals; for purchasing road machinery and equipment, and planning, constructing, and maintaining suitable buildings to house such equipment; for paying any costs apportioned to the Township under §4907.47 of the Ohio Revised Code; and to supplement revenue already available for such purposes; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of this within resolution levying a Township Motor Vehicle Tax, the Board of Township Trustees conducted two Public Hearings thereon, the first hearing having conducted on June 22, 2020 and the second Hearing having been conducted on June 25, 2020, which date was not less than three nor more than ten days after the first Hearing date; and


WHEREAS, notice of the date, time, and place of such Public Hearings was given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Township once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks, the first publication having been made on June 2, 2020 Allen Township Special Meeting June 9, 2020.






THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Township Trustees that the Trustees herewith levy an annual motor vehicle license tax in accordance with §4504.18 of the Ohio Revised Code upon the operation of motor vehicles on the public roads and highways in the unincorporated territory of Allen


Township, said annual license tax shall be in addition to all county license taxes outlined in the Ohio Revised Code.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the tax shall be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per motor vehicle on all motor vehicles the owners of which reside in the unincorporated area of Allen Township and shall be in addition to the taxes at the rates specified in any County or Municipal Levies enacted in §4504 of the Ohio Revised Code, and for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of enforcing and administering the tax provided for in §4504.18; for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, and repair of Township roads, bridges, and culverts for purchasing, erecting, and maintaining traffic signs, markers, lights and signals; for purchasing road machinery and equipment, and planning, constructing, and maintaining suitable buildings to house such equipment; for paying any costs apportioned to the Township under §4907.47 of the Ohio Revised Code; and to supplement revenue already available for such purposes.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Township Motor Vehicle License Tax shall become effective Trustee Jack McCreary made BEGINNING OF 2021 registration year, the motion and Trustee Jack Rausch seconded motion to accept the resolution 2020-10.


Upon roll call on the adoption of the resolution, the vote was as follows:




Trustee Don McCreary          _______



Trust Jack Rausch                  _______



None in attendance.





There being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee McCreary offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.




Don McCreary (Chairman)



Jack Rausch


