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February 2020 Minutes

By November 4, 202011 Comments


February 10, 2020


Call to Order

Trustee McCreary, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on February 10,  2020, at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Rausch began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Don McCreary                        Township Trustee Chairman

Jack Rausch                            Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Steve Brose                            Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Drew See                                Zoning

Bill Streng                              Zoning

Ken Reiff                                Zoning



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of January 6, 2020, said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Rausch and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.


Fiscal officer, Lori LaCella noted the plans for the grant were received, the quote was prepared and mailed to multiple contractors and the responses are due back by February 17th, 2020 for bids.






Mr. Streng received numerous calls throughout the month.


Mr. Streng noted Drew See, who owns 81 acres on Bear Swamp Rd. is in the process of dividing into smaller units.  Drew See has submitted his request to incorporate three flag lots into his sub-division. The hearing is set for February 17th at 7:00 P.M.


Mr. Streng received a phone call from an appraiser regarding the sale of the Johnson home on Allen Center Rd. She stated that due to the Zoning Regulation Section 906 and Section 908 it does not appear that the home could be rebuilt in the event of being partially destroyed, only if the home were to totally destroyed by fire.  The other concern is section 903 states that if a property contained a minimum lot size









of 40,000 SF on or before 1/6/99, it would be deemed to meet minimum lot size.  This property contains 36,000 SF. It appears that the lending institution is not willing to grant a loan to a prospective buyer. This information was sent to Thayne Gray and he believed the BZA would need to consider the request to restore the residence.  Thayne Gray responded and stated he believes section 903 refers to empty lots with a structure.  The zoning board will review the zoning wording.


Mr. Streng discussed that there are 10 out of 16 properties on Northwest Pkwy that are non conforming.


Ken Reiff attended the Route 33 meeting and it was discussed that Allen Township loses potential growth because of no water and sewage. There will be a meeting on February 27th at High Point that Ken Reiff will attend and provide an update. In the meeting, it was stated that 2050 there will be 109% growth in Union County and only 7% in Logan County.


Ken Reiff noted the zoning board will be reviewing the regulation on garage sales and making an update.


See the attached report for additional detail.



Deputy Kent attended and has had no issues within the Township. The trustees had no concerns for the Sheriff.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson provided the quote for the zero turn of $1681.00. A motion was made by Trustee McCreary to approve  $1681.00 for Hilliard Lawn and Garden. Trustee Rausch seconded the approval.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson reported the windows were in and will be installed within the week.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson received the new salt spreader and it has been mounted.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson installed a set of airbags for the truck.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson reported that Parrotts would like to do business again and will provide detail for discussion on rotation.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson received the concrete blocks for the salt barn and has started working on the pad.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted the upcoming projects are some brush clearing at Clark Dawson and throughout the township, the ditch on Poling and some pot holes that need to be filled.



Chief, Steve Brose reported on the monitoring of water use:

Fire Department average of 270 GPD, Community Bldg. 160 GPD with a total of 430 GPD.







Chief, Steve Brose reported the grease interceptor tanks have been disconnected from the septic tank and the brine drain does not exit through septic.


Chief, Steve Brose requested to sell the 2000 Chevy 3500HD regular cab using There was a motion by Trustee Rausch and a second by Trustee McCreary declaring the items in excess and approved to sell.


Chief, Steve Brose noted the $40,000 power grant was received. The total project cost is $86,158.56 with a total cost to budget $46,158.56.


Chief, Steve Brose requested $4620.27 for MARCS radio for a new medic. The current radio will be outdated.  A motion was made by Trustee Rausch to approve  $4620.27 for MARCS. Trustee McCreary seconded the approval.


See the attached report for additional detail.



Save the date, Union County Engineer’s Annual Township Meeting, Saturday, February 22, 8:30 AM -12:00 PM. at the Union County Services Center.


Bicentennial Meeting, February 20 at 9:30 A.M. at the Union County Chamber of Commerce Office.





There being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee McCreary offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.




Don McCreary (Chairman)



Jack Rausch



Ron Chapman ( Absent for medical leave)


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