December 7, 2020
Call to Order
Trustee McCreary, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on December 7, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Trustee McCreary began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Don McCreary Township Trustee Chairman
Jack Rausch Township Trustee
Rick Kingham Township Trustee
Lori LaCella Township Fiscal Officer
Steve Brose Fire Chief
Nick Johnson Road Superintendent
Deputy Smith Union County Sheriff
Tom Paplaczyk Strategic Business Services
The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of the November 2 and November 18 special meeting the said minutes were approved as read.
The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review. There was a motion by Trustee Rausch and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.
Chief Steve Brose requested a 2% increase for all employees with exception of elected officials beginning 2021. Trustee Rick Kingham moved to approve and Trustee Don McCreary seconded.
Chief Steve Brose has requested a salary negotiation to include no vacation buyout . Trustee Rick Kingham moved to approved and Trustee Don McCreary seconded.
Chief Steve Brose has requested a year-end completion bonus of a flat fee for all hours worked for a year for all employees except for all elected officials.
Resolution 2020.15 – Accept health insurance 7000/14000 Anthem.
Tom Paplaczyk attended the meeting to review the final medical insurance plans for Allen Township. After further discussion of current plan costs and options for other plans, the trustees made the motion to change carriers to accept the plan with Anthem health insurance to save the township a cost of $87,103.80. Trustee Don McCreary moved to approved and Trustee Jack Rausch seconded.
Resolution 2020.16
The Fiscal Officer presented the temporary appropriation Resolution 2020.16 to fund the township until a permanent appropriation is created in March 2021. After review and discussion, Trustee Don McCreary
moved to adopt the temporary appropriation. Trustee Rick Kingham seconded, upon a roll call, all were in favor, resolution passed. See the attached resolution.
Resolution 2020.17
Trustee Jack Rausch moved to amend the certificate of appropriation with estimated appropriations of $31,797.84 to the county auditor for new funds for expenses and estimate revenue due to CARES Act for COVID-19 was approved, Trustee Rick Kingham seconded the approval.
Resolution 2020.18
Implementing the OMA relief to allow remote participation. The use of video technology using zoom. The documents handled by the board will be
The following expenditures have been approved from the Cares Act Funds:
Cloth masks for use to protect members during non-emergency activities with GH Thread $500.00
Cordless electrostatic sprayers to sanitize the EMS vehicles after each call. Cost for two $1598.00
Solvent for the electrostatic sprayers. Five cases to be used during the current COVID-19 pandemic. $114.50
Cost of removing the floor before installation by Home Depot for $3750.00.
Cost of 3 office chairs, 2 guest chairs, 2 desks with file box and reception L desk, 70 community room chairs, and 5 sled base chairs $25,835.34
There was a motion by Trustee Jack Rausch and a second by Trustee Rick Kingham to accept the costs related to CARES Act.
Mr. Streng was not in attendance. The zoning report was reviewed that was sent in via email.
Tours through the township have not revealed any issues worth sending any letters to residents, if anyone has seen any issues I may have missed please let me know.
Allison compiled a packet of forms to address different types of requests.
See attached report for more detail.
Deputy Smith attended and stated no report.
Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson presented a bill for John Deere of $1327.33 for the right front tire tractor.
Trustee Jack Rausch moved to approve the cost of $132.33 and Trustee Don McCreary seconded.
LED light is about two weeks behind and will let us know of the date available.
Chief, Steve Brose is establishing a committee to spec a new rescue.
Crews have completed monthly safety training.
See the report for additional detail.
Chairman Trustee McCreary requested an executive session to discuss employee personnel matters, seconded by Trustee Rausch. Upon roll call : McCreary, yeal; Rausch, yea; Kingham, yea.
After returning to regular session, there being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee McCreary offered a second. Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.
Roll call vote: Trustee McCreary, yea. Trustee Rausch, yea. Trustee Kingham, yea.
Don McCreary (Chairman)
Jack Rausch
Ricky Kingham