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August 2020 Minutes

By November 4, 202042 Comments


August 3, 2020




Call to Order

Trustee McCreary, as Chairman called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on August 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee McCreary began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Don McCreary                        Township Trustee Chairman

Jack Rausch                            Township Trustee

Rick Kingham                        Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Steve Brose                            Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Deputy B. Smith                     Sheriff Department

Dori Watson                           Resident

Russ Watson                          Resident

Stephen Tabor                       Resident

Wendy Tabor                         Resident



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of July 13, the said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Rausch and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.



Residents Dori and Russ Watson attended the meeting to discuss a letter received from Bill Streng regarding an unlicensed vehicle on the property.  They noted the vehicle is licensed and is a running vehicle.  The residents would have appreciated a phone call or visit instead of a letter.  Trustee McCreary explained that the township is not allowed to come onto the property.



Mr. Streng received numerous zoning questions throughout the month.


Mr. Streng received a call from a resident at 22465 N. Darby Coe Rd. to complain about stacked trash and old tires at her neighbor’s residence at 22489 N. Darby Coe Rd.  The property was reviewed by the township and the health department and no trash could be located.


A few letters have been sent out regarding unlicensed vehicles on their properties. This is a violation of our Township Zoning Resolution Section 557.  Mr. Streng received feedback from two of the residents to inform him that their vehicles were indeed licensed and I apologized to them for the mistake.





Mr. Streng received zoning issues that need to be addressed by the trustees.  Some of the issues surfaced during the recent request for a company to install a billboard in the township.  Due to the current pandemic, the zoning board will not be meeting anytime soon, so it is being requested the trustee have to make the following changes to the ARZR to avoid future conflict.  Thayne Gray suggested several of these changes. These are the following suggestions:

  • The office schedule of District Regulations state that Signs and Advertising structures are permitted per conditional use in R1 and R2 districts. This is incorrect ad they are not permitted in these districts.
  • The schedule also states that signs and billboards are not permitted in B1, B2, and B3 districts. Per the ORC, they are permitted so long as they meet the requirements of Article VIII of the ATZR.
  • Article VIII, Section 802 states the “Certificates for all signs, outdoor advertising structures and billboards shall be granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a conditional use in accordance with the requirement set forth in Sections 803-812, inclusive, except that no permit shall be required for any signs containing six square feet or less of advertising area.


Thayne Gray advised that as long as all of the requirements are met approved by the BZA should not be required, meaning that Section 802 should state the “Certificates for all signs, outdoor advertising structures and billboards shall be granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a conditional use if they are not in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sections 803-812, inclusive, except that no permit shall be required for any sign containing sic square feet or less advertising area.”


  • Several years ago, it was decided that swimming pools would not be issued zoning certificates and that all pools would be approved and granted permits only by the Union County Building Dept. Section 523 of the ATZR addresses private swimming pools and the fact that they are to be approved by the Engineers office. This fact is listed as number one in Section 523, however, items 2-5 addresses other requirements for private swimming pools. Section 524 discusses community or club swimming pools.  If we do not issue zoning certificate for swimming pools it would see that all could indicated in Section 523 is that they are to be approved by the Union County Engineers Office, which is stated in item 1 of section 523. Section 523, Items 2-5, which states that pools have 6’ fences with a locked gate, be 10’ from the property line, etc.  would be eliminated from the section.  Section 524, dealing with club and community pools would only state that all pools are to be approved by the Union County Building Dept.  If we have requirements such as those stated in current ATZR, then we should require that all pools be issued with zoning certificate, and a fee accessed by the township. Ever since it was decided that pools not be granted township-zoning certificates.  It has been referred directly to the county, but it seems confusing that we still have these rules in our zoning resolution.


The trustees should discuss these issues, and if approved by the trustees the decision placed in the minutes until the changes are made to the ATZR.

Questions to Section 558 of the ATZR:

What does it refer to when addressing junk storage and sales?

The definition of a clean property is very subjective and difficult to manage.


Requesting a discussion of the properties of the north side of Northwest Parkway, and just East of Darby Pottersburg Rd.  that are zoned M2.  Most of these properties are residential and due to the layout, none of them complies with the size and setback requirements for M2 zoning.





Received a call from Safety through Engineering regarding a new on site scrap processing building they will be building for Honda on Johnson Road.  They will be obtaining a zoning certificate for this building in the near future. It will be 39,920 S.F. building.  This building is located in Liberty Township, with the sidewall directly on the township line. On July 7, we issued a zoning certificate to Honda to construct a 9000 SF warehouse at 20055 Johnson Road to facilitate the scrap facility.


The trustees will be contacting zoning members to meet to review the questions and concerns.


See attached notes.



No issues to report.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted the asphalt is completed. The soft spots that were found added costs to the original quote of $15000 with a total $48000 Motion Rausch second Kingham.

The security lock was done on the front door with a pass thru lock. No entry without a key or button pushed to allow entry.

Right away mowing is being completed with Poling, Buck Run still need completed.



Chief, Steve Brose would like to have septic tested one more time since all the work has been done.

During the heavy rain today, we have found water coming in a HVAC duct in living quarter’s restroom area, trying to trace it down.

Chief Steve Brose stated R601 is having service done to try to get it to pump.

Chief Steve Brose noted M601the medic and it might need a complete engine replacement, working with Ford on decision. Using Liberty Township ambulance due to the M601 being out of service.

Chief Steve Brose noted purchased one refurbished Dell Laptop for $425

Chief Steve Brose noted EMS calls are decreased potentially due to COVID.


See the attached report for additional detail.




Trustee Ricky Kingham presented on communications and our webpage and Facebook. Reviewed other townships webpages and Facebook pages.

Civic Plus is a government developer of webpages.  Package is $4500 a year to develop the webpage. We currently pay $312.00 a year.

It was decided to work with current platform for updates and changes we can make to update what we currently have.

Notifications are a key focus for a resident is sign up for what update or documents they would like to receive.


Trustees reviewed a letter to be posted for residents regarding the COVID-19 guidelines in regards to closing the community room for the remainder of the year.










Trustee Rausch made the motion to move into executive session to discuss personal matters, Trustee McCreary seconded. Upon a roll call vote, all being in favor, Trustee McCreary called the executive session to order.

Roll call vote: Trustee McCreary, yea. Trustee Rausch, yea. Trustee Kingham, yea.


After discussion, Trustee McCreary made the motion to move out of executive session, Trustee Kingham offered a second, Trustee McCreary adjourned executive session and upon a roll call vote, all being in favor, Trustee McCreary called the regular meeting back to order.

Roll call vote: Trustee McCreary, yea. Trustee Rausch, yea. Trustee Kingham, yea.


After returning to regular session, Trustee McCreary motioned to accept the resignation of Chad Spain, effective August 3, 2020, and Trustee Rausch seconded.  The Trustees acknowledge and appreciate the 23 years of service.


There being no further business, Trustee Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee McCreary offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.

Roll call vote: Trustee McCreary, yea. Trustee Rausch, yea. Trustee Kingham, yea.





Don McCreary (Chairman)



Jack Rausch



Ricky Kingham


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