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April 2019 Minutes

By November 4, 2020346 Comments


April 1, 2019





Call to Order

Trustee Chapman,  called the regular meeting of the Allen Township Trustees to order on April 1, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in absence of Trustee Rausch.


Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Chapman began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call:          Don McCreary                        Township Trustee

Ron Chapman                        Township Trustee

Lori LaCella                           Township Fiscal Officer

Steve Brose                            Fire Chief

Nick Johnson                          Road Superintendent

Bill Streng                              Zoning

Ken Reiff                                Zoning

Dain Bruns                             Resident

Paige Landon                         Landscaping

Deputy Kelly Nawman          Sheriff’s Office



The Fiscal Officer read the minutes of March 4, 2019, said minutes were approved as read.


The Fiscal Officer provided each member of the Board with a list of recent receipts and pending expenditures for review.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary, and upon certification by the Fiscal Officer that appropriate funds were available, the pending expenditures were approved. The Fiscal Officer also provided the most recent payroll reports for the Board’s review. The board reviewed the previous month’s bank reconciliation and verified the sequence of the checks.


The fiscal officer presented the board with final appropriations.  After review and discussion, Trustee Chapman moved, seconded by Trustee McCreary, that the final appropriations be approved.  Upon call of the roll, all being in favor, the appropriations were approved.


Trooper Bryan Holden asked for approval for Ohio State Highway Patrol to some early morning tracking training at the township.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary to approve the training at the township.



Landscaper, Paige Landon discussed the upcoming plant maintenance and the future upkeep. The current landscaping requires a lot of upkeep, several times a month.  Paige would like to remove the excessive mulch and the plants to eventually get us into a lower maintenance plan that would be a cost savings







over time.  There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary to approve the landscaping plan.


Mr. Streng issued an ag exemption to Russell Watson, 17866 Allen Center Rd for a 36X 64 barn.


Randy Marker, of Thomas & Marker, owns property on NW Pkwy. currently zoned B3 and wishes to build 25 12,000 sq ft warehouses, and working to establish if this can be done. No new updates.


Mr. Streng met with gentlemen with tentative plans to purchase two parcels of land at the SW corner of Stokes Rd and SR 287 to build a strip mall and hotel.  He was told to meet with the Union County Health Department, ODOT, and Union County Building Department before requesting a zoning change. No new updates.


Received a call from owner at 14827 Maple Ridge Rd. who owns a 26 acre parcel and was in inquiring if she could build another home on the property. The property is confusing because her actual address is 14827 N. Darby Coe but enter from Maple Ridge Rd.  She has 150′ frontage on N. Darby Coe that goes back 50/60′ wide flag, and her drive off Maple Ridge Rd is a common access drive. Need to research.


Sent a letter to Linda Maier regarding two unlicensed vehicles at 18600 Allen Center Rd., a gray Ford Car and a Gray and Black Ford Truck.


Lori and Allison will be setting up a meeting to discuss cost increases for various hearings and permits.



Deputy Kelly Nawman no new updates.



Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted from the roof damage the estimate was $10,374 with a $500 deductible. There was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary to approve the repair.


Road Superintendent, Nick Johnson noted he would be on vacation from April 9th – April 16th.



Chief, Steve Brose provided a list of items for sale on, there was a motion by Trustee Chapman and a second by Trustee McCreary declaring the items in excess and approved to sell.


See the attached report for additional detail.













There being no further business, Trustee Chapman moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee McCreary offered a second.  Upon a roll call vote, all were in favor, the meeting was adjourned.



Jack Rausch (Chairman) Absent



Don McCreary



Ron Chapman


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